Buttonhole of calla lilies. Minor changes can be made according to periods and availability.
Orders must be made at least 48 hours prior to the funeral to ensure timely delivery to the funeral home.
Select the deceased to whom these flowers will be addressed.
SelectGeorge MourelatosPierre-Marc BironCécile LocasGisèle DesrochesGuy ParentPauline LebouthillierThérèse GuibertThérèse St-Pierre GuibertMarie-Paule Ainsley ElliottFrançois DesrochersMadeleine BeaupréSylviane Jarnaud CastellonMonique AuclairMarie Paule Deslauriers DrapeauBenito Ianni-PalarchioMorris CzebieniakJeannette Daigle LabbéRodolfo PolcariRodolfo PolcariMarie-Paule Boulay LacoursièreMichel LaurinGisèle PineaultSimon LétourneauMonique Brodeur AugerRenald CaronMarc LindsayRéjeanne Pelletier SochodolskyFrancine Roy
NB: Flowers must be purchased before 4:00 pm the day before the viewing / ceremony. After 4pm, we cannot guarantee the order if the ceremony is the following morning.
If the name of the deceased is not on the list, call us.