Dino Stromei

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our brother Mr. Dino Stromei, on August 7, 2024, at the age of 53.

He will be deeply missed by his sisters Linda (Pat), Gina (Dan) and his brother Ron (Maureen). He will also be deeply missed by his partner Caroline Larose and her children Matthew (Alice), Mikael (Breanna). As well as all of his nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

The family will receive condolences on Friday, August 16, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and Saturday, August 17, 2024 as of 9:30 am at Laval Funeral Complex : 1350, autoroute 13.

A funeral service will be held on Saturday August 17, 2024 at 10:30 am in the same room. A wake will follow in the reception hall.


Complexe Sainte-Dorothée
1350, autoroute 13
H7X 3W9
Friday, August 16 2024
Saturday, August 17 2024


Complexe Sainte-Dorothée
1350, autoroute 13
H7X 3W9
Saturday, August 17 2024

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Condolences to the family

Nos plus sinceres condoleances....famille Umberto Stromei

Lyne S., 28 August 2024

I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Dino's sisters, brother, partner along with his niece and nephews and immediate family.. Dino has been on my mind from the day I heard the sad news, I remember the times we shared a coffee together and talk about life in general on a daily basis. In the last couple of years, I haven't seen him much but he would always stop by whenever he was in the area & he always put a smile on my face and I hope I did the same for him. He invited me to my first and only golf experience and made me enjoy that day to the fullest, I wanted to be there at his funeral but unfortunately my schedule didn't permit it. We did not only share the same age but we also shared the same Ambitions in life. He was taken much too early & I will carry his memory in my thoughts and in my heart. To my friend; Till we meet again. Your Friend & Barista, Joey Sarracco

Joey S., 19 August 2024

Mes sympathies 💐 à toutes la famille..bon courage pour cette énorme épreuve..

Jocelyne l., 17 August 2024

Toute mes sympathies Caro je suis en pensé avec toi. Katy

KATY G., 16 August 2024

Ma belle Caroline Encore une fois, mes plus sincères condoléances à toi, tes fils et toute la famille de Dino. Bon courage à vous tous Tu es dans mes pensées en ses journées tres difficile xxx Sylvie D

Sylvie D., 16 August 2024

D après les photos que tu mettais vous étiez très beaux à voir, il avait l'air très gentil et il prenait soin de toi. Tu garderas toujours dans ton coeur les moments précieux, il t'accompagneront en tout temps. Je t'offre mes plus sincères sympathies à toi Caroline, à toute ta famille ainsi qu'à la famille de ton conjoint. Prends le temps de traverser cette épreuve et soin sur qu'il est près de toi.

joan l., 16 August 2024

Mes sympathies à toi chère Caroline et à toute la famille, de tout Coeur avec vous. Ginette Aubry et Pierre Levasseur

Ginette A., 16 August 2024

Our sincere sympathies for your loss of your dear brother Dino,, our prayers and thoughts are with you all 🙏🏼💐

Catherine and Danny B., 16 August 2024

J' offre mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille de Dino, ainsi qu'a ses amis. Tu vas nous manquer. Marie-Ève , une collègue.

MarieEve F., 13 August 2024


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