Jeffrey Robinson

Robinson, Jeffrey

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Jeffrey Robinson, who surrounded by his family left us on June 25, 2024. Born on March 7, 1960 he was a beloved husband, father, brother and friend.

Jeff will be dearly missed by his loving wife Teresa, and his sons Matthew (Stephanie Yang) and Alexander. He is survived by his mother Doris Cooper, his sister Darlene (Chris Mahabir), his mother in law Elisa Glave, his sister in law Maria Rosaria (Bill Walker)

The family will receive condolences on Thursday, July 4, 2024 from 2pm to 5pm and from 7pm to 9pm, and Friday, July 5, 2024 as of 10am at the Yves Legare Complex in Lasalle, 7200 Newman Blvd

A funeral service will be held on Friday July 5, 2024 at 1pm at the chapel of the complex, and thence, to Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery. The service will be available remotely and a link for the live stream will be provided on Friday July 5-2024 at 1pm. Click on the following to view the ceremony : Live ceremony

The family would like to extend their gratitude to the doctors, nurses, and support staff at the Ottawa Hospital for their exceptional care and compassion.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Ronald McDonald House Charities Ottawa in memory of Jeff Robinson.



Complexe Angrignon
7200, boul. Newman
H8N 1X2
Jeudi, 4 juillet 2024
Jeudi, 4 juillet 2024
Vendredi, 5 juillet 2024


Complexe Angrignon
7200, boul. Newman
H8N 1X2
Vendredi, 5 juillet 2024

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Les condoléances à la famille

My deepest condolences go to Terry and her family in these sad times. Jeff was a great person, May we all remember him for the good hearted, generous man he was. I am travel with jeff store past11 years.I really miss you sir Rest in peace JR.

Mohamed J., 7 juillet 2024

J'aimerais vous offrir mes plus sincères condoléances à vous Teresa, vos enfants et toute la famille et les proches. Mes pensées sont avec vous dans ces moments très difficiles que vous passez. 🙏🙏 J'ai été choqué d'apprendre le décès si jeune de Jeff (alias : Beaver). Il manquera à tous.😢😢

Roger S., 7 juillet 2024

Terry Mathew and Alex. I am so sadened by this. Jeff, affectionately known as ( beaver) was truly one of the good guys and loved and admired by all he met and touched. We had some good trips together and fishing with the " boys " was a highlight. He will be missed but never forgotten!

Marc O., 7 juillet 2024

Dear Teresa, Matthew and Alexander, I am deeply saddened by the tragic news of Jeff's passing. My connection to Jeff goes back to my very first job at McDonald's Carrefour Laval many years ago. Jeff was a great leader but most all a great friend. Jeff was there when my younger brother passed at a very young age, Jeff was there as a customer of my dad's shoe repair shop. We connected on and off over the years but I was always happy to see Jeff. May his memory make you smile as I will always cherish Jeff one of the good guys. May Jeff rest in piece. Take care my friend Jeff. Marco Leccese

Marco L., 5 juillet 2024

Je suis tellement bouleversée par la nouvelle du décès de Jeff. Mes pensées sont avec vous en ces moments difficiles. Teresa, Matthew et Alexander, je tenais à vous faire part de mes sincères condoléances. Manon B., 5 juillet 2024

Manon B., 5 juillet 2024

Sorry to hear the sad news of the passing of JR. He was such an incredible person and friend. I will always remember the great times we shared on the McD Germany trip back in 1987. Prayers and heartfelt condolences to the family. Rest in Peace my friend. 🙏 Terri

Terri T., 5 juillet 2024

I offer you my sincerest condolences to the entire Robinson family. May we all remember him for the good hearted, generous man he was. Rest in peace JR.

Matthew C., 5 juillet 2024

Quelle triste nouvelle, Terry mes pensees sont avec toi durant ce moment diffcile. Ce fut un privilege pour moi de travailler avec Jeff. Mes plus sinceres condoleances a toi et ta famille de ma part et celle de RBC.

Chantal G., 5 juillet 2024

My condolences to the Robinson family , sending hugs Xoxo Jeff was a good man he will be missed, rest in peace

Elissa D., 4 juillet 2024

My sincere condolences to you, Terry, and your family at this hard time. I was saddened to hear of your loss. JR was a great leader and I am happy to have known and worked for him as long as I did. He was always a positive man and did so much for me to help me move forward in my career while maintaining my work at McDonalds. He will be dearly missed.

Cyndi D., 4 juillet 2024

Dear Terry, Jeff's mom and sons, I was really deeply saddened to hear of yours loss, please accept my sincere condolences.

Najiba N., 4 juillet 2024

My condolences to you Teresa and the rest of the family. I crossed paths with JR whilst working management at McDonald's. He was a generous man and I always looked up to him as a leader. He will be missed by the McDonald's family.

Dylan T., 4 juillet 2024

Terry My heart goes out to you and your loved ones at this time. Jeff will be very much missed. He always made me laugh when I saw him. During Covid when bridge from Ottawa to Gatineau was policed , I called him and right away , he gave me a letter of essential travel. He took care of his people With my deepest sympathy Tammy.C July4th 2024 AA With sympathy Tammy.C July 4th 2024

Tammy C., 4 juillet 2024

Please accept my sincerest sympathies during these very trying times. Losing a loved one is never easy but what helps is remembering the good times you shared as a family. Jeff, may you rest in peace. Kathleen Larsen

Kathleen L., 4 juillet 2024

I never knew him personally but as my boss. That being said, I need to thank him for all his guidance he gave me. The determination he saw in me and the chances he gave me to grow; ie promotions. His memory for me will be remembered through all he taught me. I respected Jeff and hope he rests in peace.

Witek W., 4 juillet 2024

Je n’étais pas ici pour longtemps mais le temps que j’ai passé ici avec toi et l’équipe est sans comparaison. J’ai commencer à travailler pour toi après l’école secondaire. Je s’avait pas où est ce que, je va aller dans la vie. Même maintenant je ne sait pas mon raison d’être mais tu m’a aider d’être en ti peu moins incertain qu’est ce que je va faire. Quand je ne sentait pas bien ta vue la potentiel en moi que je ne pourrait pas. Ta vue d’est choses je ne pouvait pas. Je souviens que tu venue au restaurant chaque journée pour ta café avec un sourire surtout quand c’était Vendredi pour le poisson. Quand je ferais des erreurs t’étais la pour faire les correction et m’aider d’être meilleur un patron. Je me souviens encore que tu me demandais si je voulais monter en grade. Je sais que cela peut paraître insignifiant, mais je vous suis reconnaissant de vous en être soucié. Je me souviens même du moment où vous avez réalisé que j'étais arménien. J'adresse donc à toute la famille mes condoléances, mais aussi ma gratitude. Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait. Merci de m'avoir donné l'occasion de travailler, de grandir. Merci d'avoir investi en moi. Merci d'avoir pris soin de moi. Vous avez veillé à ce que je porte des gants en hiver parce que j'étais folle et qu'une personne n'en porterait pas. Alors, encore une fois, MERCI et j'espère vous revoir en temps voulu.

Avedis M., 4 juillet 2024

I haven't been here for long however, the time I've spent with you and the team has been timeless. I started working for you after high school in which I didn't know where I was headed and your store helped give me some certainty. When I wasn't feeling great you saw the potential I could not. You could see things I could not. I remember you'd come into the store in every morning to get your coffee especially on fish Friday. Whenever I'd make mistakes you'd correct me, coach me and give me pointers. I still remember you'd ask me if I wanted to move up. I know it might sound trivial but I'm thankful that you cared. I even remember when you realized I was Armenian. So to the entire family my condolences but also my gratitude. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for the opportunity to work, to grow. Thank you for investing in me. Thank you for caring for me. Making sure I had gloves to wear in the winter because I was wacky a person wouldn't wear them. So again THANK YOU and I hope to see you again in due time.

Avedis M., 4 juillet 2024

I haven't been here for long however, the time I've spent with you and the team has been timeless. I started working for you after high school in which I didn't know where I was headed and your store helped give me some certainty. When I wasn't feeling great you saw the potential I could not. You could see things I could not. I remember you'd come into the store in every morning to get your coffee especially on fish Friday. Whenever I'd make mistakes you'd correct me, coach me and give me pointers. I still remember you'd ask me if I wanted to move up. I know it might sound trivial but I'm thankful that you cared. I even remember when you realized I was Armenian. So to the entire family my condolences but also my gratitude. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for the opportunity to work, to grow. Thank you for investing in me. Thank you for caring for me. Making sure I had gloves to wear in the winter because I was wacky a person wouldn't wear them. So again THANK YOU and I hope to see you again in due time. Je n’étais pas ici pour longtemps mais le temps que j’ai passé ici avec toi et l’équipe est sans comparaison. J’ai commencer à travailler pour toi après l’école secondaire. Je s’avait pas où est ce que, je va aller dans la vie. Même maintenant je ne sait pas mon raison d’être mais tu m’a aider d’être en ti peu moins incertain qu’est ce que je va faire. Quand je ne sentait pas bien ta vue la potentiel en moi que je ne pourrait pas. Ta vue d’est choses je ne pouvait pas. Je souviens que tu venue au restaurant chaque journée pour ta café avec un sourire surtout quand c’était Vendredi pour le poisson. Quand je ferais des erreurs t’étais la pour faire les correction et m’aider d’être meilleur un patron. Je me souviens encore que tu me demandais si je voulais monter en grade. Je sais que cela peut paraître insignifiant, mais je vous suis reconnaissant de vous en être soucié. Je me souviens même du moment où vous avez réalisé que j'étais arménien. J'adresse donc à toute la famille mes condoléances, mais aussi ma gratitude. Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait. Merci de m'avoir donné l'occasion de travailler, de grandir. Merci d'avoir investi en moi. Merci d'avoir pris soin de moi. Vous avez veillé à ce que je porte des gants en hiver parce que j'étais folle et qu'une personne n'en porterait pas. Alors, encore une fois, MERCI et j'espère vous revoir en temps voulu. Sorry if my french is poor I haven’t written in French for about half a decade and I am also sorry for the long message.

Avedis M., 4 juillet 2024

JR was truly a great partner and selfless team member. A proud and caring contributor who shined the arches each and every day. My thoughts and prayers are with Terry, family and friends during these difficult times. Roy E

Roy E., 4 juillet 2024

My deepest condolences to Terry, Alex and Matthew and the Robinson family. His passing is a deep loss for all who knew him. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and sending healing energy your way. I know this is an extremely difficult time. Wish you peace and healing as you mourn the loss of JR. Sophia Zhang

Sophia Z., 4 juillet 2024

My deepest condolences to Terry and the whole family. May God will give you all strength and guidance during this difficult time. Rest in Peace Jeff. You will be missed by many.

Alicia V., 4 juillet 2024

Deepest condolences to the entire family. Thinking of you all during these difficult times.

Jesse A., 4 juillet 2024

Just want to give my sincere condolences to the family and I know it’s not easy to lose someone you love just gotta hope that he’s in heaven watching over you and in peace. May he rest in peace and his memory goes on forever.❤️

Armel B., 4 juillet 2024

My thoughts are with the Robinson family during this very difficult time. JR was an incredible leader and he will be truly missed by everyone. Deepest regards.

Carol H., 4 juillet 2024

Terri and family, 

I am so saddened by the news and deeply sorry for your loss. Sending you strength, love and light.

Amy T., 4 juillet 2024

Condolences to Terry and her family in these difficult times. Jeff was an amazing person.

Kyle W., 3 juillet 2024

My sincerest condolences to Terry and all of the Robinson family. I will miss Jeff and think of him with a smile. He was a generous and caring man. Sad that he was taken away from everyone way to early in his life. Rest in peace Jeff.

Waddell T., 3 juillet 2024

Je suis attristé d apprendre cette nouvelle, toute mes pensées à Terry et tes fils ainsi que nos plus sincères condoléances Manon et Robert

Robert B., 3 juillet 2024

My deepest condolences to the family; JR were acquainted in business and I could tell what a hard working man he was. May you find peace and healing in these difficult days ahead.

Donna D., 3 juillet 2024

My deepest condolences to you Terry and your family, JR you will be missed by everyone who knew you. You were a gentle and kind person, always willing to help people , I still wait for you to walk up behind me and say good morning sis. I will miss you . Rest in Peace my friend (coach)

Claire O., 3 juillet 2024

Please accept our condolences in your tremendous loss. JR was a great customer of ours for many years. He cared about his company, his customers, and his team. I enjoyed our conversations very much and on behalf of our entire team, we will miss him. Janet Forsyth, Branch Manager, Choquette CKS - Ottawa

Janet F., 3 juillet 2024

Deepest condolences for the loss of JR . I would like to thank him for everything over the past 10 years or so. Jeff you were one of the good guys, and at the end of the day that’s what matters most. You will truly be missed.

Rob R., 3 juillet 2024

My deepest condolences to the family. Jeff was an amazing person and will be greatly missed.

Karen O., 3 juillet 2024

To Terry and Family.. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of need... Jeff was an amazing person and boss..he will be missed

Jennifer M., 3 juillet 2024

Dear Terry, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you all in this difficult time. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the funeral. Know that I will be with you all in spirits. Take good care of yourself. Jacques Mignault

Jacques M., 3 juillet 2024

J.R (as you like to be called), you will always be more than a boss to me, you were like an older brother, a father. We worked together for more than 10 years and the during which we’ve had so many great momemts, ups and downs, but these memories will forever be embedded in me, I will never forget your kindness and big heart and how we were talking not too long ago on how you were planning to get on the road with Terry on some cross country road trips, but life is not fair sometime, well…. Rest in peace J.R and rest assured that your memory will always live on..

Ravi K., 3 juillet 2024

Terry and family, I am so sorry for your loss. I met JR more than 20 years ago and had many conversations with him as a fellow McDonald's Owner Operator in the Ottawa area. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Tim Carter

Tim C., 3 juillet 2024

J.R (as you like to be called), you will always be more than a boss to me, you were like an older brother, a father. We worked together for more than 10 years and the during which we’ve had so many great momemts, ups and downs, but these memories will forever be embedded in me, I will never forget your kindness and big heart and how we were talking not too long ago on how you were planning to get on the road with Terry on some cross country road trips, but life is not fair sometime, well…. Rest in peace J.R and rest assured that your memory will always live on..

Ravi K., 3 juillet 2024

J.R (as you like to be called), you will always be more than a boss to me, you were like an older brother, a father. We worked together for more than 10 years and the during which we’ve had so many great momemts, ups and downs, but these memories will forever be embedded in me, I will never forget your kindness and big heart and how we were talking not too long ago on how you were planning to get on the road with Terry on some cross country road trips, but life is not fair sometime, well…. Rest in peace J.R and rest assured that your memory will always live on..

Ravi K., 3 juillet 2024

Je suis profondément attristé d'apprendre cette nouvelle. Mes plus sincères condoléances à Teresa, Matthew, Alexander et toute la famille. Toutes mes pensées sont avec vous pendant cette période difficile. Jeff était une personne extraordinaire et je me considère choyée d'avoir pu le côtoyer chez McDonalds Canada pendant plusieurs années. Repose en paix Jeff. Amélie D.

Amélie D., 3 juillet 2024

Mes plus sincères condoléances à Teresa, Matthew et Alexander. Je n’ai aucun mot pour décrire la tristesse que Lynne et moi avons éprouvé en apprenant cette nouvelle. Jeff aura été un patron, un collègue, mais avant tout, un ami. Au fil des nombreuses années que nous nous sommes côtoyés, j’en garderai toujours de merveilleux souvenirs. Repose en paix mon ami! Jean-Yves et Lynne.

Jean-Yves M., 2 juillet 2024

Deepest condolences to the family. Truly Louie W. Mele

Louie M., 2 juillet 2024

Deepest condolences to the family. Truly Louie W. Mele

Louie M., 2 juillet 2024

Mes plus sincères condoléances à Teresa, Matthew et Alexander. Je n’ai aucun mot pour décrire la tristesse que Lynne et moi avons éprouvé en apprenant cette nouvelle. Jeff aura été un patron, un collègue, mais avant tout, un ami. Au fil des nombreuses années que nous nous sommes côtoyés, j’en garderai toujours de merveilleux souvenirs. Repose en paix mon ami! Jean-Yves et Lynne.

Jean-Yves M., 2 juillet 2024

Mes plus sincères condoléances à Teresa, Matthew et Alexander. Je n’ai aucun mot pour décrire la tristesse que Lynne et moi avons éprouvé en apprenant cette nouvelle. Jeff aura été un patron, un collègue, mais avant tout, un ami. Au fil des nombreuses années que nous nous sommes côtoyés, j’en garderai toujours de merveilleux souvenirs. Repose en paix mon ami! Jean-Yves et Lynne.

Jean-Yves M., 2 juillet 2024

My deepest condolences go to Terry and her family in these sad times. Jeff was a great person, friend & loved playing hockey with him. He will be miss.

gino L., 2 juillet 2024

My condolences go to Terry and her family in these sad times. Jeff was a great person.

Myle W., 2 juillet 2024

Please accept my sincere condolences. I will remember JR as he helped me a great deal when I moved to Ottawa as a new McDonalds operator.

Hetal R., 2 juillet 2024

Please accept my sincere condolences. I will remember JR as he helped me a great deal when I moved to Ottawa as a new McDonalds operator.

Hetal R., 2 juillet 2024

I've proudly known and worked with JR for decades within the McDonald's system. I will always think of him as a positive, fun, energizing teammate who will be sorely missed. Prayers and heartfelt condolences to Jeff's family. Mike Forman

Forman M., 2 juillet 2024

Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Audrey B., 2 juillet 2024

Mes plus sincères sympathies à toute la famille. J'ai eu le plaisir de le côtoyer pour le travail et je garde un bon souvenir de lui.

Josiane P., 2 juillet 2024

My deepest sympathies to Terry, Matthew, Alexander and family. Jeff hired me in 1996 to work with the Restaurant Development Team. I enjoyed my time working for him as he had great work ethic, he was hard working and was very respectful. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

Nathalie C., 2 juillet 2024

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Jeffrey Robinson. Nous tenons à exprimer nos plus sincères condoléances à Teresa, Matthew, Alexander et à toute la famille. Nos pensées et nos prières vous accompagnent en ces moments difficiles. Avec toute notre sympathie, La famille Giguère

Louis G., 2 juillet 2024

I am so sad to hear of Jeff's passing. I, like many others, had the pleasure and honor of working with him several times over the years. He will be deeply missed. Please accept my heart-felt condolences during this very difficult time.

Ken P., 2 juillet 2024

Terry, Matthew & Alexander, I am one of many people that got to meet Jeff because we both worked at McDonald’s. He was hard working and passionate and always spoke about your family and how proud he was.. I offer you all my sincere condolences in this time of grief. May he rest in peace…

Nick E., 2 juillet 2024

So sorry to hear of JR's passing. We are in complete shock. Our condolences to Terry, Matthew, Alexander and family. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this most difficult. 🙏🤍🪶

Mary Delvecchio R., 2 juillet 2024

Nous partageons votre peine en ce moment de deuil et vous assurons de nos sentiments les plus affectueux. Recevez l’expression de notre sympathie la plus profonde. De toute la famille.

Fernanda C., 2 juillet 2024

To the Robinson family, our deepest condolences on the passing of Jeff. We lost a dear friend and colleague for whom we had the utmost respect. Jeff was a no nonsense individual, honest, hard working, a leader among our community and a strong supporter of the brand. He will be missed by all of us. Albert & Nicola Levy & family

Albert & Nicola L., 2 juillet 2024

Dear Terry, Matthew and Alexander. I send you my most sincere sympathies at this time of incredible loss. As per your request, I have made a donation to RMCC Ottawa in honour of Jeff's memory. The word "unfair" keeps ringing in my mind. I pray for the day when you remember Jeff first with a smile not tears. Lots of love Karen

karen s., 2 juillet 2024

My deepest regrets to the family. I worked with Jeff as admistratve secretary when he started in the real estate dept.

Johane M., 1 juillet 2024

My condolences to the Robinson family. Wishing you all peace at this difficult time.

Mary R., 1 juillet 2024

Mes sincères condoléances à Terry, Matthew et Alexandre. Mes pensées vous accompagnent dans ces moments difficiles. Josée Gratton

Josee G., 1 juillet 2024

This is a very bad annoncem emt My deepest condoléances to the Family and friends and to McDonald’s Family.

Jacqueline M., 1 juillet 2024

Therese, Alexander et Matthew C’est avec beaucoup d’émotions et de tristesse que je vous offre mes plus sincères condoléances dans ces moments si difficiles pour vous tous. Jeff a joué un rôle majeur dans la vie de tellement de gens, mais outre le travail, il a touché beaucoup de vies aussi. Sachez que vous êtes dans nos prières et pensées et que jamais l’empreinte qu’il laisse derrière lui ne sera effacée!🙏🏻

Isabelle L., 1 juillet 2024

Sorry to hear of the passing of JR. He was an incredible person and friend to work with at McDonald’s. Sending condolences to Teri and the family. May the strength and love from all of JR’s friends and McFamily help you all during these difficult days ahead. RIP Jeff. 🙏

Sharon R., 1 juillet 2024

Nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille de Jeff, c’était un excellent Monsieur, toujours prêt à aider, toujours avec un petit sourire de coin. Tu vas laisser une grande place vide dans ta famille. Que Dieu ait ton âme. Mohamed et Suzanne de Gatineau

Mohamed A., 1 juillet 2024

I am so sorry to hear the very sad news of JR’s passing. He was a great soul - kind, caring and hoping to helping all. Always with a great sense of humour. It’s hard to comprehend his loss and the impact on his family and closest friends. He will be missed by many. My sincerest sympathies, Karen Bishop

Karen B., 1 juillet 2024

C’est avec beaucoup de compassion que je vous souhaite mes plus sincères condoléances à Teresa et la famille. Jeff aura été un confrère de travail très apprécié dans la grande famille McDonald pour son apport et sa rigueur au travail.

Louise R., 1 juillet 2024

À toute la famille, Mes plus sincères condoléances. Je suis de tout cœur avec vous. Avec affection,Julia.

Julia C., 1 juillet 2024


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