Pierre Venne

1965 - 2025
Image de l'avis Pierre Venne

Pierre Venne

1965 - 2025
Send flowers Schedules
C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons qu'à Boucherville le 6 mars 2025, à l'âge de 59 ans, nous a quitté Monsieur Pierre Venne, époux de Madame Nathalie Desjeans.
Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants, Alexandra (Simon) et Simon (Audrey), ses petits-enfants, Sarah, Zack et Arnaud, sa mère Pierrette, son frère, Patrick (Marie-Hélène), ses beaux-parents, Jacques (Jackie), sa belle-soeur Claudine, ses neveux et nièces, ainsi que plusieurs parents, amis et collègues.
La famille vous accueillera le 5 avril 2025 de 16h00 à 20h00 et le 6 avril 2025 de 13h00 à 16h00 au Complexe funéraire Yves Légaré de Longueuil, 2750, Boul. Marie-Victorin Est, Longueuil, J4G 1P5.
Une cérémonie sera célébrée à 16h00, en la chapelle du complexe funéraire.
Vos témoignages de sympathie peuvent se traduire par un don à Suicide Action serait apprécié en la mémoire de Pierre Venne. mémoire de Pierre Venne.
Regular price
$80.00 CAD
Sale price
$80.00 CAD
Regular price
$40.00 CAD

It is no longer possible to buy flowers for this person.

It is no longer possible to buy flowers for this person.


Event Information

Longueuil Funeral Home

Located in Longueuil, this brand new building distinguishes itself by its noble and refined materials. Its chapel offers modern accents and a spectacular bay window which is both bright and serene. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment, you will find a vast and peaceful cemetery along the nearby river and a magnificent mausoleum, Saint-Christophe, a beautiful building in its own right.
2750, Boul. Marie-Victorin Est, Longueuil, J4G 1P5
Saturday, 05 April, 2025
04:00 PM-8:00 pm
Sunday, 06 April, 2025
01:00 PM-4:00 pm
View complex Direction

Longueuil Funeral Home

Located in Longueuil, this brand new building distinguishes itself by its noble and refined materials. Its chapel offers modern accents and a spectacular bay window which is both bright and serene. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment, you will find a vast and peaceful cemetery along the nearby river and a magnificent mausoleum, Saint-Christophe, a beautiful building in its own right.
Complexe Longueuil - Chapelle
2750, Boul. Marie-Victorin Est, Longueuil, J4G 1P5
Sunday, 06 April, 2025
04:00 PM-4:30 PM