Comfort & quality

Our funeral prearrangement service: what you need to know

Funeral prearrangements in Quebec are divided into two types of contracts: the funeral services contract and the burial contract. At Yves Légaré, we offer advantageous packages that include the viewing of the body or ashes, the coffin and/or urn and the burial or cremation, services available in a turnkey package.


The advantages of Yves Légaré: comfort, quality and emotional support.

We offer a funeral service that ensures you optimal comfort, impeccable quality and essential emotional support in these difficult times.

Our services

Funeral prearrangement packages

Frequently Asked Questions

Why make prior arrangements?

A death can be predictable or completely unexpected. In any case, it is always a difficult ordeal for your loved ones on several levels; the steps and decisions to be made accumulate and can weigh heavily.

How can we be sure that the contract will be respected?

When you pay for pre-arrangements, 90% of the money you pay is placed in a trust account , regulated by strict rules, at a financial institution. The company cannot use this money. This means that your money is safe and you are not at risk in the event of the company going bankrupt, for example.

The contract is also registered in the Office de la protection du consommateur registry to protect you. In addition, since 2021, a Funeral Arrangement Contract Registry allows your loved ones to trace your contract if necessary.

Can I change or cancel my contract once signed?

The contract is modifiable and refundable at any time at Yves Légaré, and you can suspend payments without penalty. Give yourself the peace of mind you deserve.