Gemma Laliberté

1931 - 2025
Image de l'avis Gemma Laliberté

Gemma Laliberté

1931 - 2025
Send flowers Schedules
À Longueuil, le 26 février 2025, à l’âge de 93 ans, est décédée Madame Gemma Laliberté, épouse de feu Monsieur Bruno Désilets.
Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants, ses petits-enfants, ses nièces, ses neveux, ainsi que plusieurs parents et amis.
La famille recevra les condoléances le samedi 29 mars 2025 de 13:00 à 16:00 au complexe funéraire Yves Légaré de Longueuil.
Une réunion de prières aura lieu ce même jour à 16:00 en la chapelle du complexe.
La famille tient à remercier le personnel de l'Hôpital Pierre-Boucher pour leur soutien et les bons soins prodigués.
Au lieu de fleurs, un don à la Société Alzheimer de Rive-Sud serait apprécié en la mémoire de Gemma Laliberté.

Regular price
$80.00 CAD
Sale price
$80.00 CAD
Regular price
$40.00 CAD

It is no longer possible to buy flowers for this person.

It is no longer possible to buy flowers for this person.


Event Information

Longueuil Funeral Home

Located in Longueuil, this brand new building distinguishes itself by its noble and refined materials. Its chapel offers modern accents and a spectacular bay window which is both bright and serene. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment, you will find a vast and peaceful cemetery along the nearby river and a magnificent mausoleum, Saint-Christophe, a beautiful building in its own right.
2750, Boul. Marie-Victorin Est, Longueuil, J4G 1P5
Saturday, 29 March, 2025
01:00 PM-4:00 pm
View complex Direction

Longueuil Funeral Home

Located in Longueuil, this brand new building distinguishes itself by its noble and refined materials. Its chapel offers modern accents and a spectacular bay window which is both bright and serene. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment, you will find a vast and peaceful cemetery along the nearby river and a magnificent mausoleum, Saint-Christophe, a beautiful building in its own right.
Complexe Longueuil - Chapelle
2750, Boul. Marie-Victorin Est, Longueuil, J4G 1P5
Saturday, 29 March, 2025
04:00 PM-4:30 PM