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La perte d’un être cher : guide de soutien pour personnes endeuillées

Loss of a Loved One: A Support Guide for the Bereaved

The loss of a loved one is a challenging moment, yet grieving is a natural reaction that every individual will experience. As it is an emotionally tough journey, we offer a support guide to help you cope with the loss of your family member.

Understanding the Grieving Process

The Stages of Grief

Grief can be described in various ways, but common stages include shock, denial, anger, sadness, resignation, acceptance, and rebuilding. Overcoming these stages requires time and patience. The duration of grief will differ for each individual.

Common Emotional and Physical Reactions

The loss of a loved one can impact the bereaved physically, cognitively, socially, and spiritually.

Physically, it could manifest as either loss or increase of appetite, or a general loss of energy for some time.

Cognitively, grief can affect one’s concentration, cause difficulties in remembering certain life details or make decision-making processes quite overwhelming at times.

Socially, maintaining relationships can become challenging; some people may withdraw into themselves while others might become more irritable in their interactions. These behaviors are normal under the circumstances.

Spiritually, individuals might question the reasons behind their loss, doubt their beliefs, or their attachment to their religion during grief. They may also question the effectiveness of prayers or other spiritual practices in such times. Of course, these reactions vary from person to person.

How to Cope with the Loss of a Loved One?

Managing grief effectively means allowing oneself to go through the well-known stages of the grieving process to reach acceptance. However, it is equally important to accept the sadness, anger, and other difficult emotions that will accompany you along this path. These emotions may feel restricting at times, creating drops in energy or motivation, which should not be denied. Recognizing these limits and allowing oneself the necessary time to overcome them is an integral part of the healing process.

Understand that everyone experiences grief differently

Each person is unique, and so is their grief. Your sorrow is personal and depends on several factors, including the relationship you had with the deceased. Depending on one’s personality and past experiences with loss, reactions can vary significantly.

There is no one-size-fits-all grieving process; there are multiple forms of grief that will be experienced differently.

Whether you are grieving or supporting someone in grief, remember to be patient and not to expect certain behaviors simply because they are common. Instead, take time to observe individual reactions and understand their origins to better cater to your needs.

Finding Support from Those Around You

Handling grief also means finding support in your social circle and loved ones. It is crucial not to shut oneself off as this process is profoundly draining emotionally and psychologically.

Support during these tough times can help you share the sorrow of a deceased person and find comfort which can alleviate the mental burden as well as prevent feelings of loneliness that could worsen one’s condition. It will also be an opportunity to gradually return to the course of life that must go on.

Seeking Professional Help or a Support Group

If your sorrow begins to feel too heavy to manage alone and is affecting your daily functioning, do not hesitate to seek professional help or join a support group to share your feelings.

There is no shame in seeking professional assistance, and it is often the best way to obtain concrete methods to find some relief.

Managing Everyday Life After Loss

Recovering from grief takes time. However, life goes on and you will need to adapt your routine and manage practical tasks.

It is necessary to keep moving, one action at a time, and to ensure you occupy yourself each day. While new activities will replace old ones, it is also crucial to take care of your mental and physical health. Activities such as walking, listening to music, reading, or participating in group activities can be beneficial following the loss of a loved one.

Do not be afraid to cherish your memories. Recalling times spent with your loved one can be comforting and help you maintain a bond with them, while also finding solace amidst the pain.

Furthermore, give room to your spirituality, regardless of what it looks like for you. Whether it involves praying, meditating, or simply spending time in nature, your spiritual practices can offer a space of inner peace and comfort, helping you through this challenging time.

How to Help Someone Overcome the Loss of a Loved One?

What to say to someone who is grieving? This is a tough question, yet simply listening and being there can start to help them cope with the loss.

Small, concrete gestures such as accompanying the bereaved, regularly checking up on them, taking walks in the park together, or participating in daily activities can be beneficial. The key is to remind them, within their personal boundaries, that they are not alone and can rely on you for support.

Signs of a Complicated Grief

Not processing grief could be a sign of a complicated bereavement. Other signs of complicated grief might include:

  • Refusal to attend funerals,
  • Severe mood swings,
  • Going to great lengths to avoid mentioning the deceased,
  • Persistent intense emotional pain without signs of improvement,
  • Very negative or dangerous thoughts or behaviors

List of resources available in Quebec for the bereaved

  • Tel-Aide
    Anonymous and confidential listening service available 24/7.
    Website :
  • Suicide Prevention Centre of Montreal
    Immediate assistance for people in distress.
    Website :
  • Association des services de réhabilitation sociale du Québec (ASRSQ)
    Psychological support for people experiencing grief or loss.
    Website :
  • La Maison Monbourquette
    Specialized bereavement center offering workshops and support groups.
    Website :
  • Ligne Parents
    For parents in need of emotional support.
    Website :

Yves Légaré in the greater regions of Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, and Pierrefonds specializes in funeral ceremonies for decades. We will accompany you with dignity and if you are wondering what to do in case of death,  we’ll provide compassionate answers with respect of all expressed wishes.

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